Marriage Proposal at the Top of Gaviota Peak! #shesaidyes!

What an adventure! When I was asked to hike to the peak, I said YES! I love adventure & going to a new place is always appealing to me! I had intentions of hiking before this big day, but never had time. I knew I could go 3 miles up, even though the groom to be/bachelor no more, let me know it was strenuous. 8.68 miles later, my legs were done!

The day began... I was excited to be a part of this super big surprise! I love secrets! The future groom & I set set out about 45 minutes before the unsuspecting bride to be & her future mother in law. The rest of it is told through my photos (I hope!). It's a pretty intimate moment in two lives, so I tried to keep it that way and hang back so the moment could be theirs :)

He thought of everything too! Champagne, a toasting cup for me, a change of clothes for both of them, blanket, and oh yes the ring! The emotions in the photos are genuine & raw :) I just captured it all and then some... the scenery was breathtaking! Oh wait, that was the hike! LOL But I couldn't resist putting in lots of the beauty and awesomeness I found along the way :)

Oh, by the way, she said YES!